Tuesday 11 January 2011

Pshycological Thriller conventions of 'Disturbia'

The protagonist is unusual as he is a teenage male, who has been made to stay within a certain distance from his house as he has been in trouble by the police by punching his high school teacher. After this, the character develops an obsession with trying to catch his next door neighbor as he realises that he is a psyhco killer. 
The theme of the film 'Disturbia' is dark- also the audience can get an idea of the narrative by the film title. 
The film has twists in the pot which opens questions for the audience- for example, the antagonist acts friendly with the protagonists mother to get everyone thinking that the character is making up stories in his boredom. Which then makes the character want to prove his innocence and that he is not making up things, but is telling the truth.
The antagonist has a fascination with death and has had to dodge the law and create different identities where he has moved from state to state. His house has secret rooms and passageways where he keeps dead corpses and disguises to create mental stress for the protagonist.

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